Описание к видео LIBAN QUARRY| ABANDONED NAZI CAMP Poland part 2

ALTHOUGH THE DILAPIDATED REPLICA OF the Nazi’s Płaszów Labor Camp was built for Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List in 1992, the site is eerily realistic and has its own history of Nazi atrocities.

The Płaszów set was created using the original blueprints of the camp and erected in a quarry just a few hundred feet from the historic location of the labor camp. Furthermore, inmates of Płaszów camp worked in the limestone quarry and were murdered on the site the replica now stands on. A road made of Jewish tombstones running through the center of the quarry is composed of prop headstones, but the inmates of the real Płaszów Labor Camp would have had to tread to and from work in the quarry over a similar road made of their headstones.

The site is all but forgotten today, overgrown with vegetation and crumbling, and most Holocaust tourism remains directed on Auschwitz and the Jewish Ghetto. However, anyone up for a short walk from the center of town can experience an abandoned labor camp rusting away in a filthy limestone quarry.

One of the creepiest, most forgotten places in Kraków, the Liban Quarry should first and foremost be a place of remembrance for the victims of the Nazi labour camp that operated here during Kraków's WWII occupation. That said, the site lies in overgrown abandon today, slowly becoming a nature sanctuary for waterfowl, birds of prey, pheasants and other various creatures. Incredible limestone cliffs, ponds and dense vegetation are as breath-taking as the rusting refinery equipment, fence posts, gravestones and tangles of barbed wire (be careful!) that can still be found amongst the brush here.

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