[NES/FC] Journey to Silius OST Boost Mix/ラフ ワールド BGM Sunsoft

Описание к видео [NES/FC] Journey to Silius OST Boost Mix/ラフ ワールド BGM Sunsoft

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Some notes about The Terminator backstory behind this game can be found here https://www.gamingalexandria.com/wp/2...
You can definitely see some of The Terminator assets and planning still in the game, but it feels more like an extremely difficult but awesome mix of Mega Man and Contra. The bosses are huge and the stage design is well thought out (I almost want to compare it to the Souls games but doing that is a bit of a meme). For example, the thumpers that crush you from above you would think would be easy but I kept getting killed by them just trying to take screenshots of the game, the timing is a bit tricky and yet fair. The flying enemies of various sorts are cool as well and because your own movement is limited it creates a lot of tension.

Composer: Sunsoft legend Naoki Kodaka
Art Credits: PitCloverDraws, Dreweyes

0:00 Title
2:36 Opening
3:45 Stage 1, Final Stage
5:49 Stage 2
8:11 Stage 3
9:54 Stage 4
11:57 Boss Battle
13:18 Stage Clear
13:24 Ending
14:48 Game Over
14:56 Jingle 1 / Jingle 2

#nes #famicom #gamemusic #vgm #journeytosilius #rafworld #ラフワールド #ファミコン #ゲームBGM #ゲームミュージック #ゲーム音楽


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