Mother Shipton & Her Accurate Prophecies

Описание к видео Mother Shipton & Her Accurate Prophecies

Hey Nerdies!

Let's find out some genuinely curious information together, jump into a fascinating world, and swim in it!

Please watch the Video to know more and don't forget to Like & Subscribe!

Follow Me On Insta:

1. All information, stories, and everything shared on the videos of this channel is based on information collected from various sources like books, newspapers, and the internet. While trying my best to produce good content that seems authentic to our knowledge, I do not create or claim the authenticity of any of the information provided in this channel.
2. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is unintentional and purely coincidental.
3. I do not intend to hurt any religious sentiments of my viewers.
4. Some parts of this video like music, pictures videos, etc. are sourced from the web. This channel does not declare any ownership and is ready to give the rights to whoever it is due.

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Keep Explorin'!


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