Angelic Music - Archangel Raziel | Connect To - Awakening, Activating & Expands Your Spiritual Power

Описание к видео Angelic Music - Archangel Raziel | Connect To - Awakening, Activating & Expands Your Spiritual Power

Archangel Raziel’s name means ‘the secrets of God’. It is believed that because he sits so close to God, he hears everything God says. He is the archangel whose persona is most like a wizard, similar to that of Merlin, the legendary figure in the Arthurian legend. He has expert knowledge in esoteric universal principles (esoteric means that only a select few are given access to such information) and he is willing to share them with us.

Connect with Archangel Raziel with this Divine Music | Angelic music to pray to Archangel Raziel.

Angelic music that can be used for meditation and yoga, you can also use this music for concentration when studying.

Angels exist in a realm that is somewhat finer and lighter than our physical dimension... but you are able to tune into the angelic realm and with practice and intention you can learn to clearly see, hear, sense and know the presence of Archangel Raziel.
Archangel Raziel Music is a special tool that connects you to the energy of celestial beings.

It brings you to a state called “Angelic Vibration Ascension” when your energy is raised to a very high level by connecting your energy to the energy of angels.

When you’re connected to angelic energy, it’s like being able to ascend from low energy vibration, which causes stagnation in your life.

This allows you to transcend beyond your limitations and false beliefs about yourself, your life, and the world.

As a result, the flow of health, wealth, and love will open up gushing into your life as you ascend above the earthly energy levels.

Music - Satya Yuga | Artist - Jesse Gallagher | Angels will help you always.

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