Check Out Royal Gold Coco Made In Humboldt, California

Описание к видео Check Out Royal Gold Coco Made In Humboldt, California

We are here with Michael from Royal Gold. They are experts in premium organic soils. So, Michael, can you tell me a little bit about your products?

We are all coco-fiber based soils manufactured in Humboldt County, California. We are looking to do something a little different in the soil industry. We’ve moved away from peat products and used coco fiber as our base to improve gardens everywhere.

Can you tell me how many different products you carry?

We carry four products. We specialize in coco fiber, so our primary product is our straight Coco Fiber, high-grade coco fiber, processed, rinsed, and washed, and ready for use. Then we make three other mixes based on that premium-quality coco fiber.


Our soil-less mix, the Tupur, is our most popular. It’s taking the hydro world by storm and the soil gardening world by storm. People are using it in all sorts of environments, indoors, outdoors, hand watering, automated water systems. It is the true jack-of-all-trades for soil.


Our other blends are all more soil-less. Our Basement Mixes are soil-less product, but it’s going to perform like a soil. It’s coco-fiber based. It has organic material, organic amendments, so it’s going to perform like a soil you used to. It gives you the benefit of coco fiber without changing the way you garden.

And how would I know which product to buy if I’m just starting up?

Well, they want to look at the type of garden they have and choose accordingly, based on the watering schedule. The Tupur is going to be the most forgiving for beginning gardeners and if you’re looking to integrate a product into an existing garden system, you already know kind of what you want. You just need to choose the characteristics based on your garden. Our Mendo Mix is our more planting mix. It’s super rich. It’s designed as a standalone medium or soil amendment. It’s well-amended so gardeners don’t have to feed it off for the first couple of weeks.


They’re able to plant in and just go right to it. It’s going to have all the adequate nutrients to get them started and then they can begin a feeding regimen to feed heavily for the later end of he cycle.

So this is more for a lazy gardener?

It’s not a lazy gardener. It’s for people who want control of their garden.

Right. Okay.
Working in the garden creating a healthy harvest provides you with a sense of achievement and feelings of success. When working with plants and hydroponic systems there is wide variety of products each designed with a specific purpose.

Hydro Select creates videos on all the products in the industry to create a resourced based website that allows you to see products tested and opened so you can learn and expand your gardening knowledge prior to making a purchase.

Gardening is a passion for many of our customers. We believe the escape into a garden can be a great stress reliever.

If you have video or a product you would like to have reviewed by one of our experts please contact us at [email protected].

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