Boss nuker Glacier/Static Orb combo Runemaster - Last Epoch 1.0

Описание к видео Boss nuker Glacier/Static Orb combo Runemaster - Last Epoch 1.0

Current build:

This build abuses the mana synergy of Static Orb to do massive single target damage, and complement it with Glacier for map clear and ward/mana sustain.

Static Orb does an absurd amount of damage with "Mana Charged" and "Overcharged Detonation", and point blank shotgun enemies with "Scatter Blast". The mana also help generating ward with the sorc passive node "Lost Knowledge".

This configuration of Static Orb cost 20% max mana per cast and has terrible AoE. To solve this, we have "Mana Tunnel" on Teleport for occasional free cast. Glacier covers AoE clears while regenerating 1% max mana per hit.

The build can generate a lot of Runic Energy from mana with Runic Invocation through "Arcane Battery", which allow us to double cast Invocation with "Copied Scroll" and repeat Glacier/Static Orb with "Spell Cascade". The most common combination I use is CLC/Freezing Cascade or CCC/Blizzard for AoE clear, CCL/Covenant Arc for buffs, and CCF/Aergon's Mirror Bolt or CFC/Reowyn's Frostguard for defense.

If you can't oneshot the boss, chip it down with teleport + static orb slowly instead, refreshing teleport cd with potion with the experimental affix.


00:00 - T4 Julra
00:11 - Orobyss (800 cor)
00:22 - Mono (800 cor)


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