The Right To Be - The Story of Moshe Barth

Описание к видео The Right To Be - The Story of Moshe Barth

Moshe Barth was born in 1926 in Rymanow, Poland, to his parents Avraham-Yitzchak and Ester. In September 1939 the Germans occupied the town. Hundreds of the town's Jews were deported to the Soviet side of the San River, but Moshe's family managed to stay. After the German army invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, a sort of "open ghetto" was established in Rymanow. In August 1942, SS men gathered the town's Jews and carried out an "aktion". Moshe was sent to forced labor and was then transferred to the Rzeszow ghetto. His parents and sister were deported to the Belzec extermination camp where they were murdered. In the spring of 1943 Moshe was sent to the Postkow camp, where he worked building barracks for the German. In July 1944 he was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In January 1945, he was sent to work at an ammunition factory in Hanover. From there he was taken on a death march to the Bergen-Belsen camp where he was eventually liberated by the British army. In October 1949, Moshe arrived in the United States. He married Mazal and they have three sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. At the age of 77 Moshe immigrated to Israel.


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