Gentle Melodies to Listen to Alone at a Cafe ひとりCafeで そっと聴く 爽やかなメロディー

Описание к видео Gentle Melodies to Listen to Alone at a Cafe ひとりCafeで そっと聴く 爽やかなメロディー

※全ての曲は #AI musicを基に音楽編集ソフトAdobi Auditionで編集したオリジナルです曲です🌿

ひとりCafeでそっと聴く 爽やかなメロディー

「ひとりCafeでそっと聴く 爽やかなメロディー」は、ひとり静かに過ごすカフェタイムにぴったりの、リラクゼーションアルバムです。穏やかで心地よいメロディーが、カフェの柔らかな光と静かな雰囲気に溶け込み、リラックスしたひとときを演出します。



・Album Description
Gentle Melodies to Listen to Alone at a Cafe

"Gentle Melodies to Listen to Alone at a Cafe" is a relaxation album perfect for quietly spending time at a cafe. The soothing and pleasant melodies blend seamlessly with the soft light and serene atmosphere of the cafe, creating a relaxed moment.

The gentle sounds of the guitar and the delicate touch of the piano help unwind and relax your mind, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Whether used as background music for reading, working, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee, this music will enrich your heart.

This album is dedicated to everyone who values moments of pause and self-reflection amidst a busy life. Enjoy a comfortable moment with "Gentle Melodies to Listen to Alone at a Cafe."


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