Embracing Change: New Opportunities in College, Empty Nesting, & More

Описание к видео Embracing Change: New Opportunities in College, Empty Nesting, & More

In this episode, Alyssa, Nadia, and Lucy discuss Lucy's upcoming college semester in Prague. Nadia shares some great advice for starting college, and Lucy does the same for those entering their senior year of high school. Alyssa reflects on the transition in her role as a mother and at the same time, feelings of excitement for new opportunities. We all ended this episode feeling open-minded and eager to see what college life has in store!

college, Prague, advice, senior year, parenting, transition


Be open to meeting new people and making new friends in college.

Don't cling to people or assume they will be your lifelong friends.

Enjoy your senior year of high school and don't stress too much about college applications.

Parents should embrace the transition and find excitement in new opportunities.

College is a time of change and growth, and it's important to be open-minded and adaptable.


00:00 Starting College in Prague: Lucy's Excitement and Expectations

02:16 Advice for Starting College and Senior Year of High School

07:11 Reflections on Parenting and the Empty Nest

09:06 Embracing Change and New Opportunities in College


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