Brazil Elections

Описание к видео Brazil Elections

(29 Oct 2006) HEADLINE: Brazil's Leftist Leader Reelected in a Landslide
CAPTION: President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was re-elected in a landslide Sunday as Brazilians rewarded their first working class leader for helping ease grinding poverty and improving the economy of Latin America's largest nation. (Oct. 29)


Supporters of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (loo-EEZ' ee-NAH'-see-oh
LOO'-luh duh SEEL'-vah) are celebrating after their man was re-elected in a landslide Sunday.

Silva claimed more than 60 percent of the vote to win another four years in office.

Silva is a former union leader and is the first leftist to be elected to Brazil's highest position.

While he might spout some leftist rhetoric, analysts note that he governed as a centrist and even employed some conservative economic policies.

Corruption scandals plagued Silva and his leftist Workers' Party in his first term, costing him his reputation as a role model for political ethics.

He won Sunday thanks in large part to poorer voters who came out in droves for the man who helped them by raising social spending without increasing taxes.

Silva is now promising to spend his next four years focusing on getting Brazil among the ranks of developed nations.

Wearing a t-shit that read "it's Brazil's victory" Silva declared that the country is 'fed up being an emerging power' in the world and added Brazilians are ready to get to work to accomplish that.

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