Eating a Trinidad Scorpion Pepper - 2,000,000 Scoville Heat Units

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According to the tag, when I bought the plant, Trinidad Scorpion Peppers are 2 million + Scoville Heat Units. For comparison, a Jalapeno peppers come in at only 2,500 to 8,000 on the Scoville scale. There was no way that I was going to try to eat one of these super hot peppers, so I enlisted the help of Darren, my niece's husband. He has eaten super hot peppers before, including the Carolina Reaper and the Chocolate Bhutlah.
Don't eat a super hot pepper like the Trinidad Scorpion unless you already have experience with super hot peppers. It's definitely something that should be worked up to.
In this video, Darren will eat a Trinidad Scorpion pepper and give his opinion on how it compares to the Carolina Reaper and the Chocolate Bhutlah.

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