Zwa Maramani: Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala, 03 February 2021

Описание к видео Zwa Maramani: Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala, 03 February 2021


This week Zwa Maramani profiles Vice Chancellor of the University of Johannesburg Professor Tshilidzi Marwala who has achieved so much in the academic field. We held a discussion on some of the recommendations that came out from the presidential commission of the 4IR chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa which he (Prof. Marwala) was deputy chairman. We also asked prof Marwala to set the record straight on conspiracy theories linking 5G network to the spread of Covid-19. Such rumours have been doing the rounds also in South Africa which led to the torching of some telecommunications network towers in KZN. We find out if there's any truth in such rumours.


Mbekanyamushumo ya Zwa maramani ino vhege i vha ḓisela nyambedzano ye ra i fara na Vice chancellor vha university of Johannesburg Professor Vho-Tshilidzi Marwala. Ro kwama fhungo ḽa dziṅwe dza themendelo dzo swikelwaho kha khomishini ya phuresidennde ya 4IR ine Vho-Marwala vho vha vhee tshanḓa tsha mudzulaphanḓa wayo. Ro ita na u sedza mavhari-vhari ane vhathu vha khou ṱumanya network ya 5G na vhulwadze ha
Covid-19, hune vhaṅwe vhari yeneyi 5G iya phaḓaladza uho vhulwadze. Prof. Vho-Marwala vho ri bvisela khagala kha iḽo fhungo.

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