Red Bull X-Alps 2019: Team RUS (official film)

Описание к видео Red Bull X-Alps 2019: Team RUS (official film)

We are very happy to introduce official film of Russian team and Evgenii Griaznov at the Red Bull X-Alps 2019 race.

Film and edit: Anna Verbitskaya

Athlete: Evgenii Griaznov
Supporter: Andrei Mashak
Second supporter: Viktor Usanov
Photographer: Yauhen Leukavets

Action cameras: Evgenii Griaznov, Andrei Mashak
Drone pilots: Sergey Popov, Yauhen Leukavets

General Sponsor: Pokerdom
Sponsors: Supair, Salomon, Freedom Finance, Suunto, Turnpoint.

We are very thanks for support all our fans and hope you will enjoy this film made by our Russian Media Supporting Team.


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