"The Soul of Christmas" with Christopher Naughton the First Day of Advent 2019 at Unity Renaissance

Описание к видео "The Soul of Christmas" with Christopher Naughton the First Day of Advent 2019 at Unity Renaissance

What are the symbols and positive myths of Christmas? What is the underlying human and spiritual element that stems from the pagan world to our current age? it may be that Christmas is not about any one religion but about all religions… or maybe not about religion at all. Livestreamed Dec 1, 2019 from Unity Renaissance Spiritual Life Center in coastal Virginia.

Christopher Naughton has been a member of Unity Renaissance for over 20 years and has served on the Board multiple times. His professional background is in law, television and radio broadcasting. He is a six-time Emmy Award winning most and producer of The American law Journal that has been accepted by American Public Television. He likely holds the singular distinction of studying broadcast journalism at Pat Robertson's Regent University Grad School, while simultaneously examining the works of the American mystic Edgar Cayce.

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