Interview with Dr. Jake Porter: Helping the Betrayed Deal with a Narcissistic Partner

Описание к видео Interview with Dr. Jake Porter: Helping the Betrayed Deal with a Narcissistic Partner

Today I welcome back Dr. Jake Porter into the podcast to discuss how the betrayed partner can deal with an unfaithful, narcissistic spouse while trying to save a marriage. It's a given that narcissism alone can be difficult to maneuver but coupled with infidelity and/or addiction and it can seem absolutely insurmountable. The good news is, while it may feel like there is literally no tomorrow for the relationship, Dr. Jake Porter shares insight into how the betrayed can both help and protect themselves as they try to walk this confusing, narrow road. It's at this point I can hear some viewers asking the question, "Sam, is it really even possible for someone who is highly narcissistic to truly change?" Today I ask Dr. Jake that exact question and a couple others just like it. You may be surprised at the answers. A recuring guest of Sam's Healing Podcast, Dr. Jake has continued to help those in crisis due to infidelity, addiction and yes, narcissistic personality disorder. Take an open mind into today's podcast and hear from an expert who is not afraid to graciously deliver the truth in both theory and practice. Now, you'll at this point need to know that Dr. Jake offers one, huge, monstrously important caveat that all couples and betrayed partners of narcissistic spouses need to know and remember. I hope today's podcast encourages you and comforts you along the harrowing road you're having to walk. Remember you're not alone and if I can help personally please leave a comment or email me at [email protected]
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