Who will win in a real fight between Tiger vs Lion? In the real fight probably Tiger will win since Tiger has a huge advantage against Lion. Tiger has more muscle than the Lion. Also, Tiger has a stronger jaw which gives Tigers the ability to bite with more force. Tigers can bite with 1050 PSI, while Lions can reach only 650 PSI. Tiger is a more muscular animal too, in comparison to Lion. That is for sure that saying Lion is an easy animal to defeat would not be true.
As Lion has several advantage on the Tiger. Lions' neck is covered by a huge amount of fur just in order to protect the important part of a cat in a real fight. When a Tiger tries to bite a Lion's neck to give damage, the harm will be less. These two big cats are one of the strongest fighters in the jungle. If you think against me, you are totally free to write it in the comment section... In this video you will see a comparison that is made between Lion Vs Tiger in regards to who is more muscular, who has more energetic, who is more aggressive, who has the stronger jaw, who can run faster, who has the longer life span.
Lion VS Tiger who would win in a real fight?
Lions and Tigers are one of the most dangerous predators in the jungle. But who is the king of the jungle? Lion vs Tiger
Bite Force
Lions have around 650 PSI bite force. Thats how they can chew bones like a gum. They can apply pressure with their jaw 4 times more than a normal human. A normal human has around 150 PSI bite force. They also work in groups to get big preys, like buffalos or huge elephants. Lions have a huge bite force, but when it is compared to Tigers, it looks smaller. Because Tigers have 1050 pounds of pressure per inch, which is the highest in the whole cats' world. Bite force of a tiger is 2 times stronger than a lion. Unlike lions, tigers hunt lonely. This jaw power gives Tigers the ability to take down huge preys just by themselves, tiger attack.
Both of these cats can be so aggressive, and they should. Thats how they can be a strong predator in the jungle. But in comparison thats for sure that tigers are more aggressive than lions. While lions hunting in groups tigers must work on their own, tigers dont want to be in a pack. Tigers want to be alone and totally free in the wild jungle. In order to stay alive in the jungle, lonely, tigers must be so much aggressive to protect themselves and take down preys.
In order to survive, both lions and tigers must be muscular and dangerous, no exceptions. Muscle density represents the pure muscularity in the wild life, among animals. While lions have around 60% muscle density, tigers generally have 70% muscle density. Tigers have muscles nearly everywhere in their bodies when tiger attack. This muscle density difference gives an advantage to the tigers in a real fight.
Energy Level
These two big cats are the strongest predators in the whole jungle. They bear this title with their high energy level in an attack situtaion. They should use this energy efficiently too. Tigers' strength comes from his muscle power and energy. With their powerful characteristics, tigers can climb a tree easily. Also tigers can jump to 10 feet high vertically. Tigers can also jump to 20 feet when they are in full flight. Lions are impressive when it comes to jumping. They can jump 15 feet high vertically when lion attack. This difference can affect the sides in a lion vs tiger real fight.
Life Span
An average life span of a lion is quite short. In wild life a lion lives around 10-15 years usually. In zoos lions can live up to 25 years. It is safer and easier to live in zoos compared to jugnle which is full of dangerous occasions. Tigers ususally live longer than lions. In jungle tigers' average life span is around 18 years. In zoos this number increases to 22 years in average. Also Tigers can hit that subscribe button faster than lions! Lion vs tiger real fight one will die!
Who won do you think? Who is the king of the jungle? Write your answer in the comments below. This was Tough Creatures. If you subscribe, you see my videos regularly.
Tiger VS Lion, which one is going to win in a fight?
Real fight in 2021 strongest and the most dangerous cats in the wild
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-Tough Creatures
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