Why do bad things happen to me?! (Law of Attraction)

Описание к видео Why do bad things happen to me?! (Law of Attraction)

Hopefully this video will be useful the next time you have a "why did that happen to me?!" kind of experience! When we want to know why do bad things happen, this is extra useful to remember...

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My name is Andrea Schulman and I am a LOA coach and educator from Raise Your Vibration Today ( https://www.raiseyourvibrationtoday.com ) . I work with people to help them use the Law of Attraction with success.

When people learn about the Law of Attraction, they are very curious to understand the answer to the question "why do bad things happen to good people?" As it turns out, the answer to this question is a lot more complicated than most of us bargain for!

For more candid discussions on questions like "why did that happen to me?!", subscribe and follow on my social media channels below!

XO, Andrea
Law of Attraction Education

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why did that happen to me | why did this happen to me | why did that happen | how could this happen to me | why do bad things happen | why do bad things happen to good people


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