First Impressions On My NEW FISHING KAYAK!

Описание к видео First Impressions On My NEW FISHING KAYAK!

Exciting news! I just picked up a new fishing kayak, so in today's video, I talk about why I got it and what I think about it after one short trip. As I get more experience in the rig, I will plan to share more of my perspectives. Overall, I would like to give a huge thank you to the folks over at Wilderness Systems.

Learn More About This Kayak:
Helix Pedal Drive:

The Radar 115 is definitely a great kayak, and I have no doubt I will enjoy fishing in it. The legroom, seat, rigging, and overall hull of this boat were obviously designed with intention! At this point, my only real concern is the Helix pedal drive system. The rudder doesn't seem to have quite as much direct control as I would like, and the fixed pedal drive position has me a bit worried about how that will work in shallow water. Overall, more time on the water will help me better understand the pedal drive, so maybe this will become a non-issue over time.

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