Three Sequencers and One Neutron

Описание к видео Three Sequencers and One Neutron

With the following question asked: "what is the best sequencer for my Neutron".
We will pick things apart and go really deep and take 3 of the most important sequencers on the market to the test!
Is there even anything called "best", when we compare:
Arturia - BeatStepPro
Artudia - KeyStep
Korg - SQ-1
To the Behringer Neutron.
This will be a comprehensive video with both theory and practical experiences.
Happy watching :D
Arturia Beat Step Pro Step I
   • Beat Step Pro : Step One  
Arturia Beat Step Pro Step II
   • Beat Step Pro: Step Two  
Arturia Beat Step Pro Step III (advanced)
   • BeatStepPro: Step three  
Neutron + Arturia Beat Step Pro CV patching
   • Behringer Neutron  

Do More, Work Hard - Be Creative - Share Positivity
(C)2019 Cris "Xiny6581" Ekstrand


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