We Want to Build Resilient Forests with Kristen Sandvall

Описание к видео We Want to Build Resilient Forests with Kristen Sandvall

With a foundation built on gene conservation principles, practitioners can work to augment our forests’ genetic diversity to improve resilience through sustainable forest management and informed seed sourcing in the face of climate change. While typically undervalued, seed collection is a key vector for improving the gene pool for climate adaptation. Collecting high quality, source identified tree seed however is not an easy task and comes with just as many challenges as there are opportunities. During this talk we will review genetic diversity- the foundation of forest resilience, how climate change may affect our forests, and why we need to invest in creating sustainable sources of high-quality tree seed for the future. We will also review various tools we have to assist with adaptation planning and seed transfer like the Ontario Seed Transfer Policy, Tableau tool, and forest vulnerability tools.

Kristen's formal training in horticulture brings a diverse set of skills to the Forest Gene Conservation Association team including growing a variety of native plants from seed and collecting, treating, storing, and testing seed to ensure optimal quality. Kristen began working with the FGCA in 2018, prior to this, Kristen worked in the nursery industry growing native plants from seed and producing seed for large scale restoration. As Seed and Climate Change Program Manager, she works with the team and partners to develop strategies and projects for integrating climate adaptation into practice. Her work also includes managing Seed Expertise programing, running the FGCA’s Certified Seed Collector courses, and managing southern Ontario’s White Pine seed orchards and Assisted Migration Trials.


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