Gundam Seed Destiny - Logos and Destiny Plan (P2)

Описание к видео Gundam Seed Destiny - Logos and Destiny Plan (P2)

After eliminating Logos and the influence the capitalists and businesses have over world politics, Chairman Gilbert Dullindal of PLANT, an intellectual and idealist, sheds light onto his comprehensive ideas and plan to create a rational society to "liberate individuals from their desires" and to allow humans to maximize their potentialities through genetic determinism. Unfortunately, Dullindal becomes heavily ideological in pursuing his plan to save humanity from conflict and inefficiency, coming to define all who oppose his plan as an "enemy of humanity". He utilizes the ZAFT military to eliminate all potential threats and effectively kills many people in the final war to supposedly end all wars. Although the plan has a strong populist appeal, the negative consequences are that individuals would lose individuality and self-determinism and Chairman Dullindal would likely remain a powerful political figure in the new social order.


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