Pioneer Saloon [Paranormal Investigation 2021]

Описание к видео Pioneer Saloon [Paranormal Investigation 2021]

Pioneer Saloon Paranormal Investigation 2021.

Tyler with Truth and Life Paranormal and Shane from Rem Investigations make a trip up to the Pioneer Saloon to ghost hunt in Goodsprings, Nevada. A paranormal investigation is conducted at the Pioneer Saloon that is claimed to be haunted. It has had a lot of history in and out of its doors. A woman is heard crying inside the woman's bathroom, A woman named Ruby Hill Barnes was killed here. A miner Paul Koski was shot and killed in 1915, and Hollywood star Clark Gable is claimed to have waited for three days in the Pioneer Saloon, as a search team explored Mt Potosi for his wife Carole Lombard.

Truth and Life Paranormal investigates claims of spirts, ghosts, demons, and anything paranormal in nature. We conduct real paranormal investigations. Like many of you, we are looking for real paranormal activity of claimed ghost and spirits. Please subscribe for REAL content and comment below and tell us what you think!

Rem Investigations
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The Haunted Lockdown at The Pioneer Saloon
  / hauntedlockdown  

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Surreal - Edward Karl Hanson
Baba Yaga Dark Ambient Horror Soundscape
Satanic - Dark Ambient Soundscape - CO.AG Music
It's All Gone - Christian Andersen

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