[30min] High Pitched Dog Whistle Sound To Stop Dogs Barking (20KHz)

Описание к видео [30min] High Pitched Dog Whistle Sound To Stop Dogs Barking (20KHz)

Do you want to put a mask on a noisy dog?
This video plays high-frequency dog whistle sounds to stop dogs from barking. It's almost inaudible to humans. If you're dealing with your own dog's excessive barking or struggling with neighbor dogs' barking, please give this video a try. It's an easy-to-use solution for dog barking, simply play it on your smartphone.

・Emits ultrasonic waves (20KHz) that cause discomfort to dogs.

▼Playback Duration
・30 minutes. For extended use, please utilize YouTube's loop playback feature.

▼How to Use
・Play when the dog's barking is bothersome.
・Use at a moderate volume while observing the dog's reaction.

・If you experience headaches or discomfort, please stop use immediately.

▼Share your thoughts after use in the comments
・Whether it was effective or not, both feedbacks are welcome.
・Details such as location, time, and dog reactions are appreciated within reasonable limits.
・Sharing your results can help other viewers as a reference.

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▼Reference) Why Do Dogs Bark Unnecessarily?
・Anxiety: Barks due to anxiety from external stimuli.
・Loneliness: Barks when feeling lonely, attempting communication.
・Alertness: Barks to signal external threats, raising attention.
・Lack of Exercise: Barks due to the inability to release energy.
・Discontent: Barks in response to dissatisfaction or unpleasant situations.
・Illness: Barks to communicate pain or discomfort.
・Lack of Training: May bark if not properly trained.
・Competition: Barks due to competition with other dogs.
・Excessive Excitement: May bark in an excited state.
・Aging: Barks due to cognitive decline or hearing loss in old age.

▼Reference) Five advantages of using a dog whistle:
・Effective: A dog whistle is effective at capturing a dog's attention and stopping barking.
・Harmless: When used properly, a dog whistle is harmless to dogs.
・Easy: Using a dog whistle is straightforward and does not require special training.
・Quiet: The sound of a dog whistle is nearly inaudible to humans, minimizing noise for neighbors.
・Efficient: Using a dog whistle can improve a dog's barking behavior in a short period of time.

Spanish: Sonido de silbato para perros de tono alto para detener los ladridos (20KHz)
German: Hochfrequenter Hundepfeifton zur Unterbrechung von Hundegebell (20KHz)
French: Son de sifflet pour chien à haute fréquence pour arrêter les aboiements (20KHz)
Brazilian Portuguese: Som de apito de cachorro de alta frequência para parar latidos (20KHz)


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