Settle the Lahaina Injection Well case now!

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For many years the Lahaina waste treatment facility has pumped treated wastewater into injection wells that lead to the ocean along the Ka’anapali coastline. Environmental groups including @hawaiiwildlifefund @surfridermaui and @sierraclubhi filed a law suit against the County of Maui in an attempt to bring the Lahaina facility into compliance with the Clean Water Act, and stop polluting the nearshore waters. Negative impact on the coral reefs as a result of sending treated wastewater into the ocean has been verified in scientific, peer-reviewed studies that support the plaintiffs’ claims. These studies helped deliver the plaintiffs a win in each circuit court thus far. Now this case has been green lit to head to the Supreme Court in November unless Maui County settles and fixes the problem with wastewater disposal. The community is pleading that they settle this issue here at home instead of continuing to fight a lengthy and expensive legal battle, only to put off infrastructure upgrades. For us the answer is simple. What do we have if we don’t have healthy oceans? UPDATE 2021: The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and Maui County has been ordered to comply with the parameters of the Clean Water Act or face large fines! A win for the environment! #settle the case and upgrade the treatment plant now! #lahainainjectionwells #settlethecase #saveourseas #reefconservation #activism #divemaui with #banyantreedivers


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