BAO Old World GT 2024 Round #6 Jack Vampire Counts vs. Ivan High Elves

Описание к видео BAO Old World GT 2024 Round #6 Jack Vampire Counts vs. Ivan High Elves

Here is a battle report of the top table championship round in Round 6 of the 2024 BAO Old World tournament. These two players had enough of a lead over the players on table #2 that whoever won this game would end up as the tournament champion!

This year I attended the BAO on day 2 and just spent the entire day filming. I noticed that on YouTube there isn't a lot of video content for highly competitive Old World games, and I thought people might want to see some high end tournament-level play. Filming in a tournament is tricky because the players are very focused and you're also on a strict time limit, so I did what I could given the constraints (there were not a lot of opportunities to pause the action to film live dice rolls). Please let me know what you think of the format or if you have any suggestions!

Here's the tournament link on Best Coast Pairings:

Ivan's High Elf list:

++ Characters [966 pts] ++

Prince [532 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Full plate armour
- Shield
- General
- Star Dragon
- Dragon Helm
- Opal Amulet
- Ogre Blade
- Blood of Caledor

Noble [180 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Full plate armour
- Shield
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Barded Elven Steed
- Giant Blade
- Opal Amulet
- Blood of Caledor

Archmage [254 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- Elven Steed
- Lore Familiar
- The Loremaster's Cloak
- Pure of Heart
- High Magic

++ Core Units [509 pts] ++

10 Silver Helms [303 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Hand weapons (Hooves)
- Heavy armour
- Barding
- Shields
- High Helm (champion) [Obsidian Lodestone]
- Standard bearer [War Banner]
- Musician

5 Ellyrian Reavers [103 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Cavalry spears
- Hand weapons (Hooves)
- Light armour
- Scouts
- Skirmishes
- Harbinger (champion)

5 Ellyrian Reavers [103 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Cavalry spears
- Hand weapons (Hooves)
- Light armour
- Scouts
- Skirmishes
- Harbinger (champion)

++ Special Units [404 pts] ++

9 Dragon Princes [404 pts]
- Lance
- Full plate armour
- Barding
- Drakemaster [Obsidian Lodestone]
- Standard bearer [Rampaging Banner]
- Musician

++ Rare Units [120 pts] ++

Great Eagle [60 pts]

Great Eagle [60 pts]

Jack's Vampire Counts list:

++ Characters [999 pts] ++

Vampire Count [529 pts]
- Great Weapon
- No armour
- Level 2 Wizard
- Zombie Dragon
- Talisman of Protection
- Lore Familiar
- Master Of The Black Arts
- Illusion

Master Necromancer [385 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- Mortis Engine
- Ruby Ring of Ruin
- Dark Magic

Wight Lord [85 pts]
- Lance (when mounted)
- Heavy armour
- Shield
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Skeletal Steed

++ Core Units [528 pts] ++

10 Black Knights [368 pts]
- Lances
- Skeletal Hooves
- Heavy armour
- Shield
- Barding
- Hell Knight [Obsidian Lodestone]
- Standard bearer [Drakenhof Banner]
- Musician

5 Dire Wolves [40 pts]
- Claws and Fangs (Hand weapons)

5 Dire Wolves [40 pts]
- Claws and Fangs (Hand weapons)

5 Dire Wolves [40 pts]
- Claws and Fangs (Hand weapons)

5 Dire Wolves [40 pts]
- Claws and Fangs (Hand weapons)

++ Rare Units [473 pts] ++

6 Blood Knights [333 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Iron-Shod Hooves
- Full Plate Armour
- Shield
- Barding
- Drilled
- Kastellan
- Standard bearer [Rampaging Banner]
- Musician

Varghulf [140 pts]
- Wicked Claws
- Calloused Hide (light armor)


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