What are my Responsibilities as a Host Family?

Описание к видео What are my Responsibilities as a Host Family?

As a family considering the au pair program, you should know that your responsibilities as a host family will fall into two categories. There are some responsibilities that you’re required to fulfill by the U.S. Department of State and by Cultural Care Au Pair. These are the hard and fast rules. And there is also the commitment to embrace the spirit of our program, which is a little less black and white, but just as important.

The U.S. Department of State and Cultural Care Au Pair require that you provide your au pair with a private bedroom as well as all of her meals. You must be willing to participate in an interview, orientation meeting and one host family event per year. You must also agree to follow program regulations and to pay a stipend to your au pair each week.

Aside from these responsibilities, we ask that our families embrace the spirit of the program. In simple terms, this means treating your au pair as you would want your own daughter or son to be treated in a similar situation—welcoming her into your home like you would an extended family member versus an employee. It means asking how your au pair’s day was, celebrating her birthday and including her in family meals. It means helping her have a great cultural exchange experience and considering her goals while she’s here.

Before you make the decision to host an au pair, it’s important to make sure you’re able to fulfill all of these responsibilities.

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At Cultural Care Au Pair, our vision is to build a community of global families with the power to change the world through greater understanding. We do this by bringing au pairs into the homes and hearts of American families every day.

To learn more about hosting an au pair, visit — https://culturalcare.com/lp/find-out-...

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