DIY Simple Denim Bag with Zipper and Patchwork Handles Out of Old Jeans | Bag Tutorial | Upcycle

Описание к видео DIY Simple Denim Bag with Zipper and Patchwork Handles Out of Old Jeans | Bag Tutorial | Upcycle

DIY Simple Denim Bag with Zipper and Patchwork Handles Out of Old Jeans | Bag Tutorial | Upcycle


38 cm x 38 cm ( 2 pcs. denim , 2 pcs. fleece )
35 cm x 38 cm ( 2 pcs. lining )
5 cm x 38 cm ( 2 pcs. denim )

8 cm x 12 cm ( 24 pcs. denim)

7 cm x 7 cm

35 cm separating zipper

Zipper Tab
6 cm x 6 cm

Interior Pocket
20 cm x 38 cm


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REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE for a better tomorrow.

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