Smash Remix: 1P Mode Magic Hat Kirby Very Hard (No Continues/Lives Lost)

Описание к видео Smash Remix: 1P Mode Magic Hat Kirby Very Hard (No Continues/Lives Lost)

(Version 1.5.0)
Wanted to do something fun for a change! So, I figured why not do a run with Kirby wearing the Magic Hat in 1P Game? Basically, what Magic Hat Kirby does is that your hat is randomized each time you hit the B-button to perform an attack and it's pretty fun to screw around with to see what attack you get! The game did get laggy a couple of times during this run near the end of the video. I have no clue to why it happened, but fyi... I am playing this on a N64 emulator! Either way... it was really fun to do, and I just thought I do something different this time around! If you enjoyed this video of Smash Remix, don't forget to punch that "Like" button!!

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