A Tribute to Kyabje Düdjom Yangsi Rinpoche

Описание к видео A Tribute to Kyabje Düdjom Yangsi Rinpoche

Om Swasti! A Tribute to Kyabje Düdjom Yangsi Rinpoche. This is offered as a humble prayer to His Holiness during the Gongdzok ceremony performed by the Bay Area Sanghas. May the merit from this bring the swift return of his Nirmanakaya. May the Lama's blessings swiftly awaken all sentient beings to Buddhahood.

The music intro is the Jaling music called Khyenrab Gyatsho from the audio of Trongsab Jaling.
The ts'ok lu was written by Kyabje Düdjom Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje. It is sung by Dechen Wangmo.


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