Nuno Felt 4: Wet Felting Roses & Other Flowers & A Sculpture: Integrating Wool Into Silk

Описание к видео Nuno Felt 4: Wet Felting Roses & Other Flowers & A Sculpture: Integrating Wool Into Silk

Part 4 of a series on how to make nuno-felt. Using the same magical method, you can make a range of very different , unique 3D flowers or sculptures . You only need a very small amount of wool and some very thin, open weave fabric; see through and breathe through is best.

Some of the benefits of creating nuno-felt are the strength and lightness that is possible. This is important when creating a flower sculpture. If we only use wool, it is necessary to use multiple layers of wool which results in a heavyish end product. By using the lightest silks available together with a tiny amount of carded Merino wool, It is possible to create a flower sculpture that is even lighter than a real flower. This mix of strength and lightness also makes these flowers very comfortable to wear. These flowers are also greatly enhanced by the colour of the fabric used. You will be very happy with the result.
What you Need: small quantity of very light weight silk, a little wool top/roving, a skewer, rubber bands, scissors, stocking foot, detergent, a light plastic bag, and a plastic or metal tube.

00:00 Introduction
00:24 What you need
00:27 Prepare the resist
01:15 Laying down the silk and wool
02:12 Wetting the work
03:03 Rolling up the project
03:12 Felt the base first
03:37 Secure the package
04:06 Roll, rub, shake, bang, repeat
04:25 Unwrap the package to check progress of felting
06:10 Finishing touches, sculpting the flower
12:58 Red silk-chiffon flower finishing
14:36 Stiffen the flower
14:53 An organic nuno felt artwork
15:45 Where to next and Thank You

Detailed instructions about how to make a nuno felt flower. One process, 4 entirely different beautiful flowers. A great project for the weekend. I truly hope you are inspired by this video to make your own.
Some extra notes: If your nuno flower needs to be washed, just go ahead with confidence. Wash it gently and then massage it back to shape. Dry on a shelf or use a hair dryer if needed.

I am sure that the glue mentioned, is available world wide. Just dont overdo it. Use just enough glue mixed with water to make a milky wash. Paint the glue onto the petals, leaves or whatever and then leave overnight to dry. If you do overdo the stiffness, just wash out the glue with water and stiffen the work again with a more milky mixture.

I would also like to emphasise the part about checking that the first layer has felted before taking the whole lot off the tube. In order to felt it well, take your time and dont hesitate to soak the package in a jar of warm soapy water every now and then. At the beginning , as mentioned, dont make the water hotter than warm but after an hour of rubbing , rolling and massaging the tube, ( yes it might look interesting), rewet the work with more soapy hot water. You might also like to try throwing and dropping the work. This helps to speed up the felting process at the end for other types of feltmaking so I dont see why it wouldnt work for this.

I hope you have a great time making your own flowers one weekend. I hope that you let me know how you go. Where possible , I am happy to answer your questions. I make no claim to expertise. I am just learning as I go.

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