TATA GLUCO PLUS : A Musical Satire on Wave Travel

Описание к видео TATA GLUCO PLUS : A Musical Satire on Wave Travel

Writer and Director : © Senthil Kumar
A comical musical satire on the future of sea travel or wave travel in India, powered by an Instant Energy drink. Once upon a time in the near future, a fancy tourist boat packed with tourists, with Malgudi Music playing on loudspeaker is leaving the coast to see the main attraction – the famous underwater Temples of Mahabalipuram.
We see the same comic conductor and driver Sapthagiri from our AIRBUS film driving this tourist boat and collecting tickets from the passengers.
It’s High tide. Waves are high and even the tip of the temple can’t be seen. No temples to see. The boat continues to circle this temple area out in the ocean and all of a sudden the radar signal beeeeep out and engine battery dies down. The feeling is low as there is nothing to see and mood is also down as even the boat has stopped. Boat driver is crying. Conductor has to save the day. We see the conductor whistle out the Malgudi Tune into the sea to young dudes who arrive on surfboards.
Conductor throws them all cool new Tata Gluco Plus. Boys and girls drink Tata Gluco+ and are instantly energised to surfing action, and take off on their surf boards. They surf around in circles creating high energy churning of the ocean. The waves rise on the sides and create a depth in the centre like the churning of the ocean revealing the underwater temples
The tourists scream and whistle as we hear the beep beep beep sound of the radar pick up and start climbing as the boat starts to move closer, energy rising up to pumping high levels as the boat starts to slide in a downward spiral towards the temple and the tourists start taking photographs. This beautiful vision lasts for a few seconds and as the boys fall off the waves, we see the waves rise again to cover the temples again.
Blame it on Tata Gluco Plus. The instant energy drink.


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