How Can I Protect Myself From Bullying?

Описание к видео How Can I Protect Myself From Bullying?

A bully’s main goal is to isolate you. Either they say something mean on social media or they intimidate you or hurt you in real life. What they’re trying to do is get you alone. When you’re alone you are a vulnerable target that’s easier to continue bullying.

The first thing you want to do if you are being bullied is to tell a friend or someone right away before it sinks in and your self-confidence takes a hit. The goal for you to build a community around yourself who will support you so you don’t internalize everything the bully is saying and become so full of shame that you become a bully to yourself and your mind fills with mean self-depreciating thoughts.

If you have been bullied, EMDR is a great type of therapy to help you recover from the trauma is causes and scars it can leave on your heart.

Welcome! I am a licensed psychotherapist and adolescent expert. While some things I share may apply to all ages, most of my videos are about adolescent mental health. Keep in mind these are very brief videos only skimming the top of complex issues.
The information available on and through this channel is presented in summary form as a supplement to, and NOT a substitute for, the knowledge, skill, and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and health care professionals.
(424) 333-6660


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