V roku 1848 - Slovak Patriotic Song

Описание к видео V roku 1848 - Slovak Patriotic Song

Mnohý ste si všimli detail, že táto pieseň nie je v Slovenčine ale v Češtine, respektíve v Moravčine. Neviem prečo je to tak :D . Každopádne som na túto pieseň natrafil a chcel sa o ňu s vámi podeliť.
Chcel by som iba podotnúť na text. Císar a Uhorský kráľ v tej dobe boli jedna osoba. Rakusky Císar držal aj Uhorsku korunu a mnoho ďalších. Pieseň vystihuje dianie v Slovenskom Povstaní z roku 1848.

This song describes the situation of Hungary in 1848. Slovaks were divided and Kossuth started his Magyar revolution by which he wanted to achieve homogenous and independent Hungary. To do so he started oppressing minorities and war against the Hungarian King (Emperor of Austria). The king of Hungary and Emperor of Austria were one person. It is also in the lyrics. Many Slovaks have listened to Kossuths propaganda, and they have joined his cause and fight.


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