REVEALED: The New British Standard for Electric Cables

Описание к видео REVEALED: The New British Standard for Electric Cables

The faithful twin and earth cable era is ending as the electrical industry gears up to welcome the new BS12721:2024 residential cable standard. This standard will ensure safer and more efficient wiring for your home. However, it also means that the trusty BS6004 cable will be phased out and cannot be used for new home construction or rewiring starting in April 2024. It's time to bid adieu to an old friend and look forward to the innovative upgrades that the future holds.

00:00 New residential cable standard BS12721:2024
00:32 Confidential cable installation trial
00:48 Full-sized insulated earth conductor
01:30 Only Low smoke and fume versions are available
02:00 1.0mm sq; no longer available
02:47 New 25mm sq twin and earth cable for consumer unit feeds
03:20 Dimensionally similar to BS6004 twin and earth cables
03:50 90-degree conductor operating temperature.
04:35 How easy is this cable to strip?
05:00 Installation advantages
05:49 BS6004 withdrawn next year
06:08 What are they doing in Scotland

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