JToH - Tower of Dust and Decay (ToDaD) guide

Описание к видео JToH - Tower of Dust and Decay (ToDaD) guide


Tower's name
Tower of Dust and Decay (ToDaD)

Ring 4

Difficulty in game
(5.01) Bottom challenging

Personal difficulty
Bottom challenging

Introduction: (0:00)
Floor 1: (OuSa) Bottom-low medium (0:45)
Floor 2: (OuTi) Peak medium (1:40)
Floor 3: (Al) Bottom hard (2:40)
Floor 4: (-) Mid-high hard (3:10)
Floor 5: (-) Peak difficult (3:57)
Floor 6: (-) Mid difficult (4:42)
Floor 7: (Bu) Mid-high difficult (5:26)
Floor 8: (Al) Low challenging (6:17)
Floor 9: (LuOuTi) Low challenging (6:54)
Floor 10: (Ou) Bottom medium (8:31)
Winroom: (8:55)

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Music in this tower:
Lobby & Winroom & floor 10: The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth OST Forgotten Lullaby (Secret Room)
   • The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth OST F...  
Floor 1-2: HOME - Decay
   • Home - Decay  
Floor 3: Super Mario Galaxy - Honeyhive Galaxy
   • Honeyhive Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy...  
Floor 4-5: Creo - Black Ice
   • Creo - Black Ice  
Floor 6: VVVVVV - Positive Force
   • VVVVVV Soundtrack 07/16 "Positive Force"  
Floor 7: Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Steel Station
   • Видео  
Floor 8: Super Paper Mario - Floro Sapien Caverns
   • Видео  
Floor 9: Xtrullor - Arcana
   • Xtrullor - Arcana  

I do not own and claim musics above

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