Jessica Jones & Kilgrave || one way or another

Описание к видео Jessica Jones & Kilgrave || one way or another

HD and small screen :)

But I made this cuz I love how sick he is and how Jessica manage to overcome him and his predatory monstrous mind, I never seen a villain so wrong and so vile as Kilgrave is , I hate to love him so much ,but I do and not like love to want him to live ,no I wanted him dead
from the start I just wanted to see how everything was gonna happen and omg Jessica was amazing she is a such a strong character and a real hero to all women who went though the same thing , like molesting and abusive relationship.
And I was always interested about this kind if sick men what goes on in their heads and how do women escape that how do they survive... I saw it in tv also , like Peter and Lydia and syler and clare and bonnie and kai and joker and Harley ... and you know how that sick thing is gonna end so you don't hope for better cuz these kind of men are sick and deranged and deserve to die,
but still my mind wants to analyze that thing and see where it came from before the end. I cant explain it I know it is wrong and I don't ship them but they are intriguing and the way women overpower this kind of pain is just miracle so I admire them a lot ,especially this kind of manipulation Jessica got from Kilgrave , that is why this is not a ship song or love song or anything connected with LOVE ,
this is just the way he sees her and how much she tries to escape him and survive through his sick obsession over her .

If you like this video , click like for my love :D
and please tell me what you think about the video
and Jess and Kilgrave ?


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