The Church and The Kingdom - Pt. 3. - Ch. 8

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The Church and The Kingdom: A New Testament Study
by Jesse B. Thomas (1914)
Part 3: Formal Definitions
Chapter 8: The Hereditary Theory
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00:00 - Chapter 8: The Hereditary Theory
01:58 - Section 1: Definitions.
02:01 - Sub-sec. 1: Reformed Churches.
07:22 - Sub-sec. 2: Presbyterian Churches.
19:29 - Sub-sec. 3: Congregationalist definitions.

22:44 - Section 2. Summary of Hereditary Theory.
22:48 - Sub-sec. 1: The Church Universal is composed exclusively of the elect
23:27 - Sub-sec. 2: The Abrahamic covenant is still in force, and still "runs with the blood
24:07 - Sub-sec. 3: Birth of Christian parentage is a presumptive evidence of election and effectual calling.

24:55 - Section 3. Logical Sequences of the Theory.
25:00 - Sub-sec. 1: Serious embarrassment engendered.
26:37 - Sub-sec. 2: Disparagement of Scriptural authority.
27:50 - Sub-sec. 3: Confusion as to constituency of the church.
30:38 - Sub-sec. 4: Uniting of Church and State, and persecution of nonconformists.
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