Enabling the Future Through Materials Science and Engineering - University of Arizona

Описание к видео Enabling the Future Through Materials Science and Engineering - University of Arizona

The Materials Science and Engineering Department (MSE) at the University of Arizona provides innovative, enabling materials and manufacturing technologies that are essential for supporting the economic growth of Arizona and the US. We are working at the forefront of materials technologies related to biomedical materials/devices, quantum/microelectronic devices, materials for extreme environments, metamaterials, optical/photonic materials and more!
The MSE Department is an integral part of the University of Arizona Center for Semiconductor Manufacturing (CSM) and home to the $30million NSF New Frontiers of Sound (NewFOS) Science and Technology Center. The CSM and MSE Department are partnering together to develop innovative research partnerships with industry and establish new paradigms for semiconductor workforce education/training. NewFOS is pioneering completely new fields of technologies and applications related to acoustic metamaterials and how to harness the science of sound to solve societal challenges.


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