I'm Pretty Sure I'm Going to Die on Clara Barton Parkway, Little Falls 4.86 High Tide, 2024-04-18

Описание к видео I'm Pretty Sure I'm Going to Die on Clara Barton Parkway, Little Falls 4.86 High Tide, 2024-04-18

Potomac River
Whitewater Kayaking
Boat: Rewind
Little Falls
Gauge: 4.86
Tide: High

Obviously maintenance needs to happen. What's not so obvious is that maintenance should push pedestrians off of pedestrian overpasses onto crosswalks where the traffic regularly exceeds 60mph. Yes, I know the speed limit is 35mph, and I also know that people - on a daily basis - not only speed excessively, but do it on the wrong side of the road.

I don't know why enforcement on this road is nil, nor do I know why people drive like they do (okay, I can guess). I do know that this is terrifying, and ‪@NationalParkService‬ could actually come up with an easy solution for people to retain access to the C&O Canal while using the pedestrian overpass at Lock 5.

00:00 Z Channel
00:28 When Your Friend Is Stuck In Traffic, You Boof Until He Arrives
02:10 Scouting Rock Boof
02:21 Maryland Wave Train
02:58 Pillbox
03:28 Bonus Hole
04:21 I am going to die in this crosswalk.


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