Battle B2(boss battle theme - Shin megami tensei IV Electronic rock cover [LexiByss]

Описание к видео Battle B2(boss battle theme - Shin megami tensei IV Electronic rock cover [LexiByss]

Battle b2(boss battle theme) - Shin megami tensei IV Guitar cover By lexibyss.
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🎥Filming by:OLIVER JULES🎥
🎬Directed by: OLIVER JULES🎬
OLIVER JULES Social media:
twitter:  / oliverjuless  
Instagram:  / oliverjuless  
Edited by:Lexibyss
🎼Composed by:🎼

🎸Guitar:Stringberg Stratocaster STS100BKS🎸

Interface: Xenyx 302USB
Microphone:Akg D5
Audio software:Fl studio
Video software: adobe premiere pro 2023
Video camera: Samsung prime j5

Until next time, Stay safe!
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