Intro to HeartMath

Описание к видео Intro to HeartMath

HeartMath practices can become a great addition to your daily mindfulness routine. These exercises help us create greater heart coherence and heart rate variability (HRV), which can then have positive effects on our emotions, cognitive abilities, and physical functioning. Dr. May gives a simple explanation of the science behind HeartMath (including fun facts about the heart!) and reviews 4 of the main HeartMath exercises (Quick Coherence, Heart Lock-In, Freeze Frame, and Cut-Thru).

Quick Coherence guided practice:
Freeze Frame guided practice:    • The Freeze Frame Technique  
Heart Lock In guided practice:    • Heart Lock In  

**This channel contains videos of ALL the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills, Radically Open DBT skills, and much more! Check out the new series on Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (*designed to help with attachment and trauma problems), which is currently being recorded. For updates and easy access to content, feel free to SUBSCRIBE.


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