Get Me Off of This Thing! -- What's On My Mind, August 2024

Описание к видео Get Me Off of This Thing! -- What's On My Mind, August 2024

“Falling down a rabbit-hole.” I’ve said this phrase countless times to describe what it feels like to get pulled into the world of gender.

Other expressions like “falling down the well” and “being sucked into a vortex” also feel apt.

They all conjure a feeling of being in a dark, distant place from which it becomes ever harder to escape, or come up for air.

The belief systems of gender identity and queer theory epitomize this feeling with their convoluted redefinition of words, their mind-bending denial of reality, and the way they draw many people deeper and deeper into a web of contradictory claims.

But aside from the claims and ideology itself, I have been feeling overwhelmed by something entirely different, and in fact, even bigger, and more pervasive than this.

And that is the force and pull of digital technology. And maybe more than that, it’s the way I feel when I’m always consuming, reading, listening, and absorbing information, seemingly with no breaks, no respite.

In this video I talk about ways to step back from the information super highway, quiet the mind, and resist the pull of digital media and technology.

To read the rest of this month's free newsletter, visit my substack here:


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