Find your NICHE as an online language teacher | Add on a workbook to craft your UNIQUE niche!

Описание к видео Find your NICHE as an online language teacher | Add on a workbook to craft your UNIQUE niche!

For an in-depth niche finding process, access my workbook at a special price here:

Want to know if you nailed your niche? Ask yourself if you're afraid of competition.

Because if you are afraid that someone out there is about to snatch your clients, my friend, you still have some work to do.

This is one of the workshops I did years ago, called "Dare to Be Different," where I give you 5 elements of a successful and soulful niching process. Forget the "find the niche that pays you tons of money" advice from the bro-marketers who know nothing about online language teaching industry.

This strategy has worked for hundreds of teachers who have taken this workshop.

Let me know what your niche is. Have you figured it out? Do you believe it's important or is it too confusing?


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