Daenerys Targaryen: The Theory of Everything

Описание к видео Daenerys Targaryen: The Theory of Everything

This video covers Dany's entire storyline in ASOIAF, predicts her future in The Winds of Winter, and contrasts book Dany to show Dany from Game of Thrones. Will Daenerys go mad in the books? When will she go home to Westeros in TWOW? How have Viserys Targaryen, Quaithe, Mirri Maz Duur, and more influenced her journey? How does Dany connect to the Targaryen prophecy of the Prince that was Promised, the same prophecy that likely drove Rhaegar's story, stemming from Aegon the Conqueror himself? Daenerys is centuries in the making, the fulfillment of a dragon dream haunting the Targaryen lineage, but she won't do it alone... How can Jon Snow help Daenerys save the world?

Music by Quest Master https://questmaster.bandcamp.com/
Map of Known World by Klaradox https://klaradox.de/maps/

Art credits https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D...
Special thanks to Fkaluis, Hylora, and ViviAytch, who all contributed custom art for this video!

Chaos in Westeros playlist    • TWOW Predictions Mega Videos  

Sources & more information:
1993 original ASOIAF outline https://www.businessinsider.com/game-...
1997 forum archive (R + L = J post) https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts....
GRRM 60 Minutes interview    • George R.R. Martin talks about writin...  
GRRM on his childhood home https://web.archive.org/web/200803230...
GRRM ARTE interview https://web.archive.org/web/202210121...
GRRM blog post RE: Battle of Meereen https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2...
GRRM Southbank Show interview    • George R.R. Martin Interview - (Game ...  
GRRM Al Jazeera interview    • George R.R. Martin - Talk To Al Jazeera  
GRRM 1999 Event Horizon chat http://web.archive.org/web/2000100521...
GRRM Adria's News interview http://www.adriasnews.com/2012/10/geo...
GRRM on third head of the dragon https://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/...
GRRM Vulture interview https://web.archive.org/web/201205181...
GRRM Northwestern talk https://time.com/4101276/game-of-thro...

Blood of the Dragon novella https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php...
  / spoilers_extended_asoiaf_archives_sample_c...  
Fevre Dream https://georgerrmartin.com/grrm_book/...
Lonely Songs of Laren Dorr https://www.fantasy-magazine.com/fm/f...
The Winds of Winter sample chapters https://www.managethatproject.com/the...

Twitter: https://x.com/CrusaderChris89
Contact: [email protected]

0:00 Intro
1:20 Fear & Dragon Dreams
7:00 Mirri Maz Duur's Lesson
11:15 Quaithe & the Undying
17:23 Conqueror to Gardener
20:02 Rebirth in the Dothraki Sea
25:30 Dany Hunts Jhaqo
27:05 Battle of Meereen
30:45 Liberator, Conqueror
34:25 Daenerys Goes Home
43:50 Heart of Ice & Fire
47:50 Parallel Rebirths
49:26 Azor Ahai Duo
53:01 Heads of the Dragon
57:22 Drogon = Lightbringer
59:22 Power of a Dragon
1:01:11 Dreams of Others
1:03:36 Self Sacrifice

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