Брошенный щенок безостановочно плачет от боли, еле жив, но хочет жить!

Описание к видео Брошенный щенок безостановочно плачет от боли, еле жив, но хочет жить!

Abandoned puppy non stop crying in pain, barely alive but he will to live and fight strong for life!

Poor Rambo was rescued Friday night and first we had to spend 4 hours in the ER. He had a deformed head, gums were really pale, he was crying, and could barely stand. They ended up keeping him overnight and treated him for severe anemia due to parasites.

Special thanks to: Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
YOu can support here: Paypal: www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=GL6CSGL2TJXUG

SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/SX4rTY

For rescue dog inquiries and collabs, email [email protected]
Web: http://hellodanes.com/


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