Shenzhen | 深圳福田新健康水會「碧水雲天」 重出江湖 | 曾經的中港城 高科德 | 粵語中文

Описание к видео Shenzhen | 深圳福田新健康水會「碧水雲天」 重出江湖 | 曾經的中港城 高科德 | 粵語中文


What I would like to introduce to you today is "Bishui Yuntian", which has been open for a few months. It was once a healthy water club located in an isolated hotel in Shuidu. It was later closed due to demolition. The current location, China Hong Kong City, once had a health water club with the same name, also called China Hong Kong City, and later changed its name to Gaokede.


In order to reduce the workload, the subtitles are automatically translated using tools and then manually proofread. The workload of converting Cantonese to Mandarin subtitles is large, and the traditional and simplified Chinese subtitles are mixed, while the English subtitles are purely machine-translated without correction, please forgive me.

#shenzhen #水圍村 #深圳 #深圳水療 #港人北上 #皇崗村 #深圳按摩 #深圳spa #碧水雲天 #高科德 #石廈


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