23rd August 2024. Rollers Song. The importance of Feeding and Light.

Описание к видео 23rd August 2024. Rollers Song. The importance of Feeding and Light.

Hi Everyone. The Nesting season is approaching birds nearing breeding condition.
I must say that my birds have been on a fairly high Carb diet and lots of greens. The lighting has been dim though not fully Dark.
The song is not as low or as slow in Tempo as it could be!.
My main objective is to have birds that do sing freely when uncovered with a well balanced Roller repertoire!!!
This journey has been a experience for me, as to why there is a lack of Flute notes not bein present in the birds repertoire this is baffling.
The Flutes being replaced by a " hi , low" "Hee , Haw" Entity!.
Only One young cock bird out of 7 has voiced a clearly defined Flute.
Any Theory as to Why this is ? will be greatly welcomed in the
Comments thanks.
I will continue with an experiment with the birds after there Adult molt with a more Intense Training and Feeding method this may encourage a change in song or is it Genetic ?.

Thank you all for Subscribing to the Channel and your kind comments.
I hope I have helped give you all some Insight to our lovely Roller Canary Songster and will continue too as and when I can.
I will be putting together some videos about the Feeding of Rollers in the future. Thank you for reading this and have a great season with your birds :-)


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