How to Easily Create and Optimize Blog Posts in Squarespace 7.1

Описание к видео How to Easily Create and Optimize Blog Posts in Squarespace 7.1

Blogging is a great way to boost SEO or "Search Engine Optimization." There's a lot of opportunity in your blog posts to keep users on your website, get subscribers, and promote your products or services.

In this video, I show you some shortcuts to make blogging on Squarespace 7.1 a little quicker and easier. I'll also show you how to get your blog posts working for you and discuss some important Squarespace SEO features to utilize before publishing your blog post.

0:19 How to duplicate a blog post and use it as a template
0:46 What is a sidebar?
2:05 Edit your blog post
2:24 Write your content/chunk your text and use keywords
3:00 Break out subheadings
3:07 Encourage feedback from your readers
3:22 Link to other blog posts
3:33 Link to your Instagram account if you have one
3:50 Include a subscription form in all your blog posts

Blog Post Settings:

4:13 Content
5:08 Options
5:35 SEO settings
6:38 Social image
6:53 Share
7:04 Publishing options (Options tab)

Squarespace Blogging Settings

7:41 Check settings
7:52 Comments

👉 Read the blog post here:
👉 My 3 Favorite Free Online Blogging Tools for Better Blog Posts:
👉 How and Why to Use Categories and Tags to Keep Your Blog Organized:
👉 Chrome extension I use to rate my headlines (no affiliation):
👉 Blogging with Squarespace:


✍️ Check out the blog for more good stuff:


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