SUPERCHARGE YOUR MIND Guided Alpha Wave Meditation Boost Your Mood ~ Creativity ~ Learning ~ Memory

Описание к видео SUPERCHARGE YOUR MIND Guided Alpha Wave Meditation Boost Your Mood ~ Creativity ~ Learning ~ Memory

Get ready to Supercharge your Mind using this 10 minute guided meditation utilising the power of Alpha waves. When you feel a bit low or lack motivation, it may help to improve your alpha brainwaves. Recent research indicates that inducing alpha brainwaves can help make you more creative, and may even help relieve depression.
Since alpha waves are associated with calm mental states, many experts agree that increasing alpha activity can help reduce stress and anxiety, and help you stay calm.
Scientists writing in the Cortex journal have also provided evidence that enhancing alpha waves can improve overall creativity.
The same researchers also believe there is good evidence that the alpha wave function has been affected by people with depression – this, they add, means changing alpha brain behaviour may be a possible way to combat low mood.
Relaxation, enhanced learning, memory, attention, and serotonin development are all correlated with alpha waves. Meditation, mindfulness and other strategies (such as alpha wave music) that increase the brain activity are good because they can enhance memory, attention and learning.


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