Pets in French | Beginner French Lessons for Children

Описание к видео Pets in French | Beginner French Lessons for Children

In this lesson from the Beginner French Lessons for Children playlist you will learn the French for different types of pet animal including the French words for cat, dog, rabbit, hamster, budgie, guinea pig, goldfish, mouse, tortoise, and rat.

CC closed captioned subtitles available to learn French Pets in many languages.

In the lesson, each of the 10 words, phrases or sentences is shown in French and English so you the learner know exactly what you are learning. The French is repeated 3 times so you can clearly remember how to pronounce that vocabulary. You will see the French words on the screen three times so that you will know how to read and spell those words.

Our Beginner French Lessons for Children vocabulary playlist offers 56 free audio and picture lessons for learning grouped French words, phrases and sentences. Each of our French lessons uses audio speech and specially drawn pictures to teach French beginners 10 items of simple French grouped in a topic. Topics include 'Pets', 'Daily routine', 'Clothes', etc.

Check out more French lessons on the French games channel or stop by for free interactive lessons, games and tests with all our vocabulary topics, both beginner and intermediate.


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